Price €99.90
Length 360cm . Test to 90g. Weight 253g. 3+3 parts. Limb diameter 2,25mm. Includes 1oz; 2oz; 3oz. Transport length 129cm.
Golden Catch is a progressive Ukrainian fishing tackle manufacturing company making strong inroads into the European market. It is not exactly young, but until the start of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, it did not expand its sales to the EU, because there was enough demand in the Slavic countries. With the closure of the Russian market, Golden Catch turned to the EU, and rightly so. Their products and especially their prices are at least welcomed by Lithuanian fishermen. Golden Catch faders have quickly found their fan base and are strengthening their position in the mid-priced fader market, while their most luxurious model, the Syntez, has thrown down the gauntlet to the major giants, i.e. the Shimano and Drennan faders. This series has a huge potential to become a mass-market fader, just lacking a wider range. Too few different lengths and casting weights are produced so far. Well, for the Stelios series, there is nothing to prove. They are the perfect fiders for all occasions. It's just a matter of choosing the right one, and that's not so easy, because there are three types of Stelios fiddlers in the Stelios series alone: Stelios Active, Stelios Competition and Stelios River. The most powerful and fastest action rods are the Stelios Active, the Stelios River medium and the Stelios Coimpetitic for the thinnest leaders. The Verte X series should NOT be forgotten. These are very powerful faders that are perfect for Method feeder fishing. With them it is really brave to cast if you need it even when you are in the moment. They will definitely withstand any load.