Fishing Lines

Regular price €29.90 -5% Nuo Price €28.41
8 Stranded Japanese-made braided line. 150m. Light green Important: When choosing the thickness of the line, please note that the diameter in...

Reels for fishing

Fishing lines are what no recreational fishing is possible without. If you can fish without a reel with a rod and reel, if you can fish without a rod and reel, if you can fish, say, for catfish, with a reel in your hand, or if you can fish with spinners and flags, you cannot fish without a line. Some section of line is necessary and in any case it will be called a fishing line. Whether it is made of a horse's tail or a plant or a chemical compound, it will be a fishing line one way or another. The best fishing line will be the one that can bear the greatest possible weight while being as thin as possible. This is a basic parameter for all types of reels. Without a doubt, the one that has no competition in this parameter is the braided line, but it is not an absolute parameter, and not all situations are suitable for braided lines. A monofilament fleece, for example, is much less visible and has more elasticity. So it is more suitable when the fish do not need to see the line or the line has good shock absorption when fishing with very thin hooks for white fish. It is therefore most appropriate to compare lines in three main types: braided line, monofilament line and fluorocarbon line. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages and their intended use.

Braided fleece is, as we have already mentioned, the strongest and least elastic. It is most often used where high force or maximum sensitivity is required. In spinning, for example, the biggest advantage of braided line is its low elasticity, which increases the sensitivity of the whole gear. The same is true for fyke netting. If you cast the feeder far away, in rough weather, the tip of the rod will react properly to a cautious bite, whereas with a monofilament reel you will see everything perfectly with a braided reel. However, when a carp hooks, you will have perhaps 5 times less chance of pulling it out with a braided shark than with a mono shark, because the carp is a very fast and powerful fish with weak lips and when it is on an unstable line, the hook will either come loose or the leader will break, or the hook will simply tear through the carp's loupe, which is usually where it will bite. Thus, the choice of line is usually based on the type of fishing and the target catch. In short, braided line is most popular for spinning, trolling, vertical sea fishing or throwing large lures. It is also used for modern fiddler fishing for all fish except carp or grass carp. The monofilament reel is used for carp fishing, method fiddling, float fishing and classic bottom fishing, and for monitoring bites using monkeys or crickets. The monofilament reel is also used for trolling powerful marine fish. But there are exceptions to everything. For example, there are many trout anglers who fish with a monofilament reel, and for catching any predator with a spinning reel, a monofilament reel is also very popular. Because it is less twisted by the spindle than a braided line. Also, anglers fishing with multiplier reels often choose fluorocarbon as their main line, because they read that it is better for pike and the bait will sink a good half metre more. There are also float fishermen who use braided line, for example when fishing for tench, or bottom fishermen who still prefer braided line and fish with beacons. So fishing is not an exact science and there is plenty of room for improvisation.

We will discuss all the reels in more detail below.

What is braided line made of?

Braided line is not only the most popular type of fishing line, but also the oldest. Back when chemists couldn't make a single strand of monofilament line, fishermen still fished and braided line from natural organic materials such as silk, cotton or even horse hair. These days, braided line is made from polyethylene (PE) filaments. The names and brands often mentioned on the market are Spectra or Dynema, Izan fibre, but these are also PE wools, just made with slightly different technologies. All braided lines are normally made of 4 or 8 strands, but there are also 5, 9, 12, 13 or 16 strand braided lines on the market. However, 8 strand braided lines are the most popular as they are rounder, stronger and more slippery, while being quieter than 4 strand lines, and cheaper and more abrasion resistant than 12 or 16 strand lines, which are struggling to find their way on the market and are very unpopular. The main advantages of Pinto over other types of line are: strength to thickness ratio, knot strength, softness, durability (UV-resistance) and low elasticity. The main disadvantages are: high price (although recently the price of braided and monofilament line has been moving well towards each other), poor abrasion resistance (wears out more quickly when rubbing against the bottom or aquatic plants), high visibility to fish, buoyancy (although buoyancy is an advantage rather than a drawback when fishing with, say, surface lures).

Care should be taken when buying a pint line online

If you buy a line from an unknown manufacturer or a line you have never seen before, you can get badly burnt by choosing the wrong thickness. There are many brands of waders that claim to be twice as small as the actual diameter, and you would never know it from a picture. The solution is to buy from a reputable dealer who will advise you whether there are notes on the description of the cleaner, or only from a reputable manufacturer. You can buy braided waders online at We have everything described for thickness discrepancies, and even more so because we have the best prices and a large selection. There are also frequent promotions. The most popular braided lines at the moment in the middle class are Shimano Kairiki. In the premium segment, YGK Upgrade. In the economy segment, Brand Bait braided lines are the best value for money.

Monofilament line

Monofilament line was invented and launched in 1939 by DuPont, a very famous and powerful American chemical company. Monofilament monofilament is made from a single strand of plastic. From the very first attempts to the present day, the most popular monofilament line has been made from a synthetic polymer, nylon, because it is inexpensive (nylon itself and its processing is cheaper than other polymers. The advantage of monofilament, also known as mono-fibre, is its relatively low price: one standard roll costs from €1.5. However, there are also quite expensive types where you will pay several euros for 150m, but this is the exception rather than the rule Another obvious advantage over braided fleece is its integrity. As a result, mono doesn't absorb water, and at sub-zero temperatures it puts less water in the rings, which are less likely to freeze. It also slides quietly and easily through the rod rings, which results in good distance casting. The third advantage is its transparency. It is hard to see in the water for wary fish, which allows you to catch bigger and more fish. Also, the mono nylon reel is sufficiently resistant to abrasion compared to the braided reel. The downsides of mono line are: short-lived, i.e. it is very afraid of UV rays and loses its properties quickly in the light, i.e. it hardens, loses its elasticity and breaks through the knot more easily. It is best to replace the monofilament line at least every year, whether you fish a lot or a little. It does not only age in fishing. Another disadvantage for certain situations and types of fishing is its high elasticity. When fishing with a mono-whales, there is a significant loss of sensitivity with artificial or natural baits on the other end of the line. This is a very important issue in feeder fishing or spinning, and anglers often choose braided lines for these types of fishing. However, when fishing with float or bottom rods, method feeder or carp fishing, elasticity is an advantage as it is much better at absorbing large hooked fish such as carp and crucian carp.

Fluorocarbon line (FC)

This type of line is very similar to nylon line, but it is made of fluorocarbon instead of nylon. It is slightly less elastic, less visible, but weaker and harder. It is also more resistant to abrasion. Because of its hardness, this line is more used as a line for short sections, i.e. for systems, spinning or white fish leaders. It is also suitable for multiplier reels, where a high memory is less important.

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