What is braided wool made of?
Braided line is the oldest type of fishing line. In the past, fishermen used to weave lines from natural organic materials such as cotton, silk or even horsehair. Nowadays, braided line is woven from polyethylene (PE) filaments. On the market, one often hears the names and brand names of Spectra or Dynema fibres for a particular type of polyethylene line. Thus, it is also a PE pile. Braided fleeces are usually made of 4 or 8 strands, but there are also 5, 9, 12, 13 or 16 strand braided fleeces. However, 8 strand braided lines are clearly the most popular as they are rounder, stronger and more slippery, while being quieter than 4 strand lines, more abrasion resistant and cheaper than 12 or 16 strand lines.
The advantages of braided line are: strength, knot strength, softness, durability and low elasticity.
Main disadvantages: high cost, poor abrasion resistance, highly visible to fish.
Braided line for bottom fishing
Braided line for bottom fishing is very rarely used, mainly for feeder fishing. For bottom fishing with bait indicators, monofilament line is used almost without exception.
Braided line for feeder
Braided feeder line is used as the main line. The most popular thicknesses are: 0.10mm for light feeder up to 45g, 0.13mm for medium feeder up to 90g and 0.16mm for powerful distance feeder according to Shimano braided line diameters. If you choose from the Japanese market, the thickness of the line is marked differently there. A 0.16mm reel for the Japanese market is equivalent to a 0.10-0.12mm reel for the European market. So don't be fooled. When choosing a line, it is best to pay attention to the #Pe thickness marking. It is more or less the same real thickness for both the Japanese and the European market: #0.8 Pe for a light feeder, #1.0 Pe for a medium feeder and #1.2 Pe for a heavy feeder.
The most popular braided lines at the moment are Shimano Kairiki, always at a discounted price when you buy from us online. There are sinking braided lines specifically designed for fiddlers. These are the Nytro and Preston "braids". Their price is not low, but they can be a great help when you need to fish at great depths.