Price €19.90
Thermowave Unisex under-fall balaclava, a lightweight and functional ski mask suitable for men and women.
Balaclava (balaclava), also known as a mask, balaclava helmet, balaclava helmet, balaclava. A balaclava is a fabric head covering designed to cover only part of the face, usually the eyes and mouth. Depending on the style and the way it is worn, only the eyes, mouth and nose or only the front part of the face are exposed. Face-covering versions can be rolled into a hat to cover the top of the head or folded like a collar around the neck.
The name Balaclava comes from their use during the Crimean War in 1854 at the Battle of Balaclava, where British soldiers wore knitted headgear to keep warm. Fishermen also want to stay warm and use balaclavas, usually under an extra hat. Thin demi-season balaclavas are usually made of synthetic or merino wool. A merino wool mask is of course better quality and warmer, but the price is also higher.
Merino wool scarves, or rather shawls, are a very popular garment in all seasons. A thin scarf will be useful in winter as well as on summer nights.
A synthetic balaclava is better suited to very active, mobile fishermen, as it breathes slightly better than merino wool. And a merino wool balaclava will always be warmer than a synthetic balaclava of the same thickness.
If you have problems with your ears, opt for a mask as it provides extra protection. If you wear a very warm hat that covers your ears, go for a scarf. You'll love the prices if you buy online.